A proper mix of minerals and nutrients will keep your grass vigorous and green all season.  Timing and quantity are important.  Too much can burn your grass.  Too little and it turns yellow and sickly.  Applying fertilizer in the heat and dryness of late summer stresses the grass and your irrigation system.


Step 1 is an early spring pre-emergent treatment.
This provides a preventative barrier to keep pesky weeds from even starting! Wallace Landscaping Company believes in extreme preventative measures instead of reactively spraying weeds once they arrive.We don’t want them there from the start!

Step 2 is a spring pre-emergent treatment. 
This treatment is a heavier dose of the pre-emergent to provide an additional preventative barrier for spring weeds.  This is one of the most crucial treatments your lawn can receive.  It starts the year off right in getting it healthy!

Step 3 is a fertilization treatment. 
At this time, we will treat your lawn with nourishing fertilizer that will help stimulate and strengthen its roots.  This will aide with the dryer weather conditions that we usually have in the summer!  It will also green up your lawn for the springtime! 

Step 4 is another fertilization treatment. 
Continuing to fertilize throughout the summer is essential to keeping the lawn healthy.  Many people believe if you fertilize during a drought, this will ‘burn up the lawn’.  This is not true if professionally applied.  The fertilizer treatment actually provides much-needed nutrients your lawn needs when there is a lack of rainfall.

Step 5 is a late summer fertilization treatment & weed control. 
All fertilizer treatments need to be reapplied every six weeks.  Your lawn needs ‘food’ just as we do.  Round 5 will help ‘green’ up your lawn again and also strengthen those roots.

Step 6 is a fall pre-emergent treatment. 
This is similar to the Round 2 treatment, but it targets cold-weather weeds.  Again, one of the most crucial treatments your lawn needs.  Once your grass goes dormant, those annoying green weeds will show.  This treatment will help prevent that!

Step 7 is a winterizer fertilization treatment. 
This is your final application for the year.  It addresses any weeds that have popped up and provides root strengthening fertilizer to get your lawn through the winter!


Wallace Landscaping Company can make your lawn look beautiful without using certain fertilizer that can possibly be dangerous to your pets. Contact us today to schedule a meeting for us to discuss the proper plans to enhance your yard for both you, and your pets! 


Key Tips to gain control of your weed problem

Proper lawn maintenance to encourage thicker, healthier grass is the best way to prevent weeds on your property. The denser your lawn, the less room these weeds will have to grow. The three keys to crowding out weeds are:

Fertilizing regularly to expand your lawn’s root system for more vigorous growth.
  Making sure your lawn gets from 1″ to 1½” of water per week from rainfall or sprinkling.
  Removing no more than 1/3 of the grass blade with each mowing. This keeps the soil shaded to discourage germination of weed seeds.

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